среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Synterra and Orange Business Services will build 22 WiMAX-networks in the suburbs

Under the terms of the ... Built WiMAX network will be transferred to the operation of Orange Business Services, which will allow the operator to provide the basis for their services under its own brand.
In turn, within the framework of the agreement, Orange Business Services will provide ...
Agreement provided for two months to conclude all necessary contracts for the project. During this time, Orange Business Services the results of testing the equipment supplier will choose the standard 802. 16e and mark the priority of the city for the launch of the first networks. Work on system integration project will serve as the company ...

понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Deliberately not think


abonent (19:48:26 15/04/2008).

abonent (19:52:52 15/04/2008).
advises you How to Make Money.

Dimochka (19:54:46 15/04/2008).
well, that did not start ' Oh, great guru, enlighten wretched '. ).

abonent (19:55:11 15/04/2008).
okay tell me.

Dimochka (19:55:14 15/04/2008).
I'm just a little help.

abonent (19:55:31 15/04/2008).
what mozhish help.

Dimochka (20:04:03 15/04/2008).
and what do you want?.

abonent (20:05:21 15/04/2008).
How to Make Money.

Dimochka (20:07:39 15/04/2008).
so rivet satellites nastavte codes on them and earn money exchanges. ).

abonent (20:08:16 15/04/2008).
Th for satellites.

Dimochka (20:09:02 15/04/2008).

Dimochka (20:09:22 15/04/2008).
site with a unique thematic content.

abonent (20:09:24 15/04/2008).
Th are you so slow pishish.

Dimochka (20:09:35 15/04/2008).
So many people want to talk. ).

abonent (20:10:01 15/04/2008).
where can I get.

Dimochka (20:10:10 15/04/2008).

Dimochka (20:10:15 15/04/2008).
his hands.

Dimochka (20:10:18 15/04/2008).
or buy.

abonent (20:15:20 15/04/2008).
where can I get.

Dimochka (20:16:59 15/04/2008).
his hands.
or buy.

abonent (20:17:51 15/04/2008).
where you can register a 6 mv. number ace.

Dimochka (20:18:31 15/04/2008).
nowhere. but it can buy. just google type in ' selling ICQ'.

Dimochka (20:18:44 15/04/2008).
there is a million forums and sites for sale.

abonent (20:21:46 15/04/2008).
How can you know vzlamat webmoney.

Dimochka (20:23:55 15/04/2008).
but why hack?.

abonent (20:27:19 15/04/2008).
It is not any more money to.

Dimochka (20:28:02 15/04/2008).
yah? .

abonent (20:29:35 15/04/2008).
As well, you will earn.

abonent (20:32:02 15/04/2008).
As well, you will earn.

Dimochka (20:32:57 15/04/2008).
I earn by selling ads on their sites. ).

abonent (20:34:20 15/04/2008).
How can you sell advertising? What to do.

Dimochka (20:35:05 15/04/2008).
sites should be done. and then put ads on it. for that you pay money.

abonent (20:40:10 15/04/2008).
How to bet on it.

Dimochka (20:41:19 15/04/2008).
Well have to work hard, learn a lot. I now sleep for 3-5 hours, I work for 14-20 hours a day.

Watch the second series.

воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

How to Promote Business with Google

Welcome to the first 2012 online seminar on the possibilities of Google pages. If you are interested in themes of social networks and using them for business - join us!.

On -line seminar will discuss how to properly create and work with the pages of Google. We consider the following questions:.

  • the right to create pages.

  • the main advantages of page.

  • Contact the site with a page icon and add the Google site.

  • the use of social extensions of AdWords.

  • control over the page, using circles, and much more.

We also give examples of successful pages and tell you about additional ways to promote your business with Google. After the event we will be happy to answer your questions.

Online seminar will be held January 25, 2012 at 16:00 in Moscow. In order to take part in this event, please follow this. link. and fill out all required fields. Writing Workshop will be available to all registered participants. All questions related to the online seminar, you can specify the following address:. online-adwords-seminars-ru @ google. com.

In the meantime, we invite you to participate in. discussion on this topic. on the AdWords Help Forum.

See you in the air!.

суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

Widea.mobi - team blog about the mobile Internet

A new team blog about the mobile Internet Widea. mobi provides the materials for all who are interested in the topic of mobile access to the Network. The materials published on this site - is the news about the mobile content, new technology, advertising and marketing.

The project has a number of properties of the professional social network and how it works similar to the community Habrahabr. ru. It is also used by ...